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School Funding: Stories from the States

School funding has taken center stage this spring, with teachers’ strikes popping up around the nation, several states considering full revamps of their funding formulas, and other states scrambling to make court-mandated changes. Given the complexities of school funding, how should states approach changes to their education funding formulas?

Join the Urban Institute for a panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities of changing school funding policy, featuring those who have done this work on the ground. We’ll hear from school finance experts and advocates from several states that have recently changed their funding formulas and discuss what it takes to navigate competing priorities and ensure the best outcomes for students.


Featured Speakers

  • Jessica Handy, Government Affairs Director, Stand for Children, Illinois
  • Katie Roy, Director and Founder, Connecticut School Finance Project
  • Shari Runner, President and CEO, Chicago Urban League 
  • Jason Willis, Director of Strategy and Performance, Comprehensive School Assistance Program, WestEd
  • Cory Turner, Senior Editor, NPR Education (moderator)
Event Materials

Support for this event is provided by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. For more information on the Urban Institute’s funding principles, go to

Date & Time Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Ronald Reagan Building 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
The Rotunda
Washington , DC , 20004
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