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Victoria Lynch
Senior Research Associate
Health Policy Center

Victoria Lynch is a senior research associate at the Health Policy Center at the Urban Institute. She specializes in behavioral health and Medicaid and has expertise in health surveys, enrollment, claims and encounter data, health care use and expenditure, disability, quality metrics, substance use disorder, mental health, and maternal health. Lynch coleads a project investigating suicide and substance use disorder among people experiencing disability and another project evaluating the effectiveness of policies to improve access to mental health and substance use disorder for underserved populations. Lynch has numerous publications from research examining survey methods, participation in Medicaid/CHIP, prevalence and characteristics of people with behavioral health conditions, gaps in recommended health services, and other health services topics.

Before joining Urban, Lynch was a consultant to the US Census Bureau. Lynch was also a political speechwriter and appointee in the Executive Office of the White House and the US Department of Labor.

Research Areas
Health and health care
Children and youth
Social safety net
Kids in context